Leading expertise. Powerful tools.

In a short time, CRISPR gene editing has transformed biology, and the field is still in its infancy. However, it has become increasingly apparent that, despite its speed in design and implementation, accurate CRISPR edits remain difficult and time-consuming in many cases. In addition, scientists using CRISPR are blessed by an overabundance of valuable data but few computational tools to analyze it. As a result, researchers wait days to weeks for results that should only take hours.

Since 2015, the Gene Editing Institute has been at the forefront of gene editing to improve human health. The Institute fosters an atmosphere of discovery and innovation, leading our scientists to design a suite of software tools and platforms geared toward faster, safer, and more effective CRISPR implementation in healthcare treatments. This focus on creating a “toolbox” for CRISPR researchers bolsters our colleagues in the field, making gene editing better for everyone.

Our current technologies include:


Biocomputing made easy, intuitive, and powerful
Scientist using DECODR on laptop in lab.

DECODR™ (Deconvolution of Complex DNA Repair) provides a convenient and user-friendly method to quantify the edits present in CRISPR-edited Sanger sequencing data. DECODR™ has been recognized in Nature Scientific Reports as the best tool to evaluate CRISPR edits for somatic in-vivo gene editing, as it does not have a limit on the length of indels it measures.

DECODR™ is capable of analyzing a wide range of edits, including:
Insertions or deletions
Combined insertion and deletion events
HDR insertions and single-nucleotide substitutions

DECODR™ uses a computationally efficient algorithm and provides the identity of deleted and inserted bases with no limit on insertion and deletion size. DECODRTM supports batch analysis, in which several sequencing files can be analyzed simultaneously.

To use DECODRTM, all you need are Sanger sequencing files from your experimental samples. You upload the sequence files to DECODRTM via drag-and-drop and provide experimental details. DECODR will provide you with NGS-level data output about your CRISPR edits in just seconds.

"DECODR™ is an indel analysis tool that has comparable deconvolution methods as TIDE/Synthego, but the lack of a window limit makes DECODR™ better equipped for somatic in-vivo gene editing." - Nature Scientific Reports

DECODR comparison table

For more information about DECODRTM , see our publications in The CRISPR Journal and Nature Scientific Reports.

DECODRTM is available to all non-profit and academic researchers. For-profit users and commercial interest in DECODR can contact us at

Please visit to register your account and start using DECODR in your lab today. 

Need more information?

To find out more about DECODR, email us at (Non-profit & Academic Interest) or (For-profit & Commercial Interest).

Our Patent Library

We're proud to continue bringing innovation to clinicians and oncologists and finding new ways to innovate on new and existing therapies. View our patent library to see the current progress of our research.