Bench to bedside. Research drives results.

ChristianaCare’s Gene Editing Institute is a true, traditional wet bench laboratory where cutting-edge expertise and hands-on investigation are driving new technologies and therapies. Our teams do basic science to advance the science of gene editing and pursue key avenues to translate new understanding into promising treatments.

Innovative research at the Gene Editing Institute focuses on two primary objectives:  aggressively testing the boundaries of these innovative gene editing strategies and creating tools to bring them to the clinic quickly and with greatest efficacy.

Translational Sciences

Translational Science is the bridge between research and practice, applying cutting-edge techniques to ensure that new gene therapies are safe, effective, and ready to bring to the bedside.

Kelly and Natalia working in lab
Innovative Technologies

Our research is an engine for innovation, advancing the science of gene editing with important discoveries and powerful new tools and expanding our understanding of genetic diseases and DNA repair.


Our scientists regularly publish research to better inform their peers in the field and encourage collaboration. These publications show the acumen and diligence of our scientists as we advance cancer treatment through the use of gene editing.

A scientist pipetting from a tube