
Supporting the next generation by demystifying CRISPR and advancing lab skills.

Our mission is to prepare the next generation of scientists and build a talent pipeline that carries students from the classroom to the lab bench, equipping them with support, skills, and confidence in complex topics like CRISPR. This commitment led to the creation of a Learning Lab, where students come on site to use CRISPR in a controlled lab setting, build their familiarity with CRISPR concepts, and learn about career pathways in the field from scientists.

About our Learning Lab

Located next to the Gene Editing Institute’s lab on the University of Delaware’s STAR Campus, the Learning Lab is a physical space that provides an immersive field trip experience for high school and college students who may not have access to a laboratory to conduct gene editing experiments.

There is no cost for schools to participate in this field trip opportunity. The only component we ask attendees to provide is transportation. The Gene Editing Institute wants to ensure that all schools have an equal opportunity to participate in this educational programming.

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How has Learning Lab changed student outcomes?
90% of students increased their confidence in micropipetting and basic lab skills.
88% of students reported feeling more confident in a lab setting.
85% of students gained a more positive attitude toward how CRISPR gene editing can be used when it comes to finding solutions to diseases like cancer.
77% of students maintained or increased their interest in STEM subjects.
68% of students maintained or increased their understanding of the many career pathways that exist within STEM.

Our Programs

Intro to Gene Editing 360™

Intro to Gene Editing 360™, created for freshmen and sophomores in high school, teaches students the basics of gene editing, CRISPR, and experimental protocol. Students are given the chance to conduct a DNA extraction experiment using strawberries: an accessible and visual example of genomic science in action. They will also load a gel for electrophoresis using food dye, water, and glycerol to understand how molecules separate based on size. 

This half-day course gives early high school students the chance to learn about concepts usually not seen until college, giving them a leg up on curriculum and easing the transition into higher education. With this prior experiment under their belt, students return to the institute for CRISPR in a Box™ feeling confident and ready.


CRISPR in a Box™

Teachers can bring in students to our Learning Lab to perform a half-day gene editing experiment with CRISPR experts. This opportunity also allows students to speak directly with experts in the field about their own experiences in the lab as they learn this innovative new technology.​ A primer course preps students for an in-depth CRISPR experiment with a synthetic gene.

This lab is typically reserved for juniors and seniors in high school to ensure that students are appropriately familiar with lab techniques and concepts beforehand. Our Learning Lab can accommodate most class sizes, though classes may be split into two separate sessions to provide the best experience, as the lab space has a maximum student capacity of 16 students.



What are students saying about the lab?

You get a better understanding of what scientists nowadays are doing, so it's nice to do that in the class and see what the future has in store for my generation.”

Gustavo Currea, a senior in high school

"I think CRISPR gene editing is really interesting, and I think it could help a lot with discovering treatments to genetic diseases. We're going to see a lot more of this in the medical field in the future, so it was great to have an environment to explore it while it's still so new."

Jan Julius-Vicente, high school junior

"It was a great insight into the world of biology and genetics. I am especially fond of microbiology, and I've always wanted to work with DNA and other organisms. I'm considering going into immunology, and the skills I've learned here could definitely be applied to that career."

Niki Papadopoulou, high school student

"I like that the way it's taught, and it's explained so clearly that it's hard to make mistakes. If we do make mistakes, it's alright, too, because this is a practice run of what we'll do in the future. It takes the pressure off, and since you get to do it with friends, you feel way more confident."

Emmanuella Venson-Teye, high school junior

Additional Programming

If you are a teacher interested in learning how CRISPR in a Box™ works, a superintendent hoping to bring this program to your school district, or someone specializing in informal education seeking a way to introduce novel biotechnology to your learners, we want to help! Contact Carolina Biological Technical Support here with questions about CRISPR in a Box™, and contact us here with any questions about Learning Lab or program collaboration.

Want to book a session?

Sign up at our cvent page. Sessions are currently closed for this school year, but please check in summer 2025 to see our upcoming dates!